Our church departments and ministries

The purpose of our Music Ministry is to spread the word of
Jesus Christ through song, encourage others to walk in Christ, lead the congregation during the worship services, and sing
to where others can also feel the presence of the Lord . Here at Rose Hill South, our music ministry is strongly made
up of both the junior and senior choirs which is the Mass Choir. ( Not Pictured: Quonisia Clark, Myles Alexander, Javeon Kitchen, Keshia
Johnson, Kelsie Wilson, Porcha Moorhead, and Joann Banks).
The purpose of our Ushers
Ministry is to welcome those and assist the needs of others during our worship services. It is the
most vital part of our church. The ushers represent our church in a visible way and help to set the tone during services.
Here at Rose Hill South, our usher's ministry is made up of both the Junior and Senior ushers.( Not pictured: Junior ushers
Rodney Alexander, Tamarah Maxwell, and Joshua Alexander).
The purpose of our Deacons Ministry is to have a caring heart for others in their time of need and distress. The deacons help to visit the sick, and see
to other needs of the people. Here at Rose Hill South, our deacons ministry is made up of men both young and old. ( Not pictured:
Dec. Thomas Nall and Dec. Ricky Randle).